Change language to Panasonic P90 On the off chance that your Panasonic P90 is in a language other than the one you generally use, either because you got it imported, 1-First step: First, we go to the settings of the Panasonic P90, it is the symbol of the cogwheel, it must be on the home screen or in the menu of the telephone, you can get to the primary menu for the most part by hauling your finger from the base to the head of the screen. Settings symbol Android 2-Second step: We search for the System segment, ordinarily the symbol of the shout mark image that is in the lower part of the screen. System symbol Android 3-Third step: Snap-on "Dialects and information" it is the world globe symbol. From this segment, you can change the language of the writings showed on the Panasonic P90 and furthermore the console language. Dialects and information Android 4-Fourth step: Snap again on "Dialects", this is the primary choice at the head...
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